A story about our Amazing little girl who is the strongest, bravest & most beautiful person I have ever known. She has been thru alot and I want to keep track of every detail. Keeping friends and family in the loop along the way. Mommy and Daddy Love you Mallie!
Mallie Bean

Saturday, December 3, 2011
Thoughts of randomness along with an update :)
December already - whoa!!! Time is flying by as another year is coming to an end. We are at just over a couple months now with the GH shots and Steve and I think they are working! She looks bigger to us - which for us to notice is kinda big because we see her everyday. She is finally transitioning into 6-9 month clothes the 6 month pants are way too short. Although she is still tiny she is getting longer - which the GH will effect - not so much her weight but overall height. As for the appetite getting better - I have seen no improvement there she still eats like a little birdy and is particular on what and when she will eat. This past week we switched from daycare to one of my best friends watching Mallie. Mallie now spends her days T-F with Amber and Avery. I have such great feelings about this as Avery is younger by a year but they will learn so much from each other. Mallie tends to eat better because Avery is eating it....so then she wants too, etc. Plus Avery is crawling and walking and Mallie just so much wants to be like her friends. (haha) I can't wait to see how much she learns from Avery and how much she changes :) Thank you to Amber for taking care of Mallie - love ya girl!!! I felt so horrible for having to leave Janet's - she has been thru almost everything I have had to with little Mallie - so she understands exactly how hard it was to get her to eat and worry every time Mallie would skip a day of poo. I literally felt like I was breaking up with someone! I know in my heart Mallie needs this move tho just for the interaction with someone closer to her age. To Janet if your reading this - Mallie and I love you dearly and want to thank you so much for the last 2 and half years :) We will visit soon :)
Mallorie is scooting pretty much all over (backwards) its so cute. she does try to go forward too - she is so close to getting that down and watch out - she will be into everything. She really wants to see and touch everything now. she points at everything and shakes her head yes when you ask her - is this what you want? This book? SHE LOVES to brush her teeth too. Every night she gets done with her bottle and points to her teeth! When you say are you ready to brush your teeth - she gets all excited and shakes her head yes. Still no real speech sounds yet...but she for sure understands words. some that I know for sure are: Macie, shoes, teeth, nose, drink, dance, feet, kissy (kiss), bye, uh oh, where it go, done, NO, yes...and I know there are more. And to think that a year ago the surgeon was questioning her ability to benefit from these because of her white matter loss. I know her read her chart and was like hmmmm??? but if you spend 30 seconds with her you know she is one smart little cookie. We had an appt with him this past week and he was very impressed with Mallie :) I love proving them wrong - It goes to show that sometimes you have to throw out the medical books for a second and look at what is really going on!
I am excited for Christmas this year as I know Mallie will love ripping paper off her gifts. We got her the leap pad which I am still questioning if she is too young for - I know she will grow into it so it will be worth it :) Most of the games are for 4-8yr olds. Christmas cards are on there way here so I can get those out this week hopefully. gonna try making some treats this year to give out to family and friends. Everyone is healthy and happy at the moment so life is good! I hope everyone has a great holiday season and a splendid New year to come!
I am gonna post some pictures from our family session this fall. Ashley Folkema took these and I LOVE THEM. her website is http://www.ashleyfolkemaphotography.com - check her out.
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