Well the last couple days the sun was shining and Spring was in the air. Today its chilly/cloudy with possible snow tonite. Sick of the snow!!! To start I guess Mallie's orig surgery for Tonsils/adenoids and tubes was cancelled due to her coming down with a 24 hour bug. We are now waiting for April 8th. At first I was disappointed in the wait time for a another date. But last weekend she was not feeling well and it turned into a chest cold. So probably good we are getting this out of the way now. We went to a foot and ankles specialist Friday - me hoping to get some validation we are doing everything for her when it comes to walking. I bought some stiff inserts to help her instep for her shoes. She still needs to wear her Magic dancing shoes (braces). I found some shoes at kmart last weekend that are only 1 size bigger than what she is wearing to go over the braces. hoping that will help with her mobility too! She has been standing up on everything lately and walking around - mostly with her shoes only or barefoot. I am noticing that her right foot seems to be correcting itself from the pronation more. That is encouraging to me!
She was so excited this year about the Easter Bunny. "The Easter Bunny coming" she would say. Her and I decorated eggs for the first time yesterday. Tried these cups that were supposed to be no spill. Ok - not so great! Will do something different next year for sure. I also at last minute decided to make Easter dinner today. Mom came over to enjoy the disaster with us! I was a horrible cook today. Well maybe not completely. I started out burning our cinnamon rolls this morning. We could only eat half of them since the bottoms were burnt! So stupid!! At least we could laugh about it. Then I decided to put the potatoes in the crockpot today - cooked em on high for 4 hours. Well they were not done when I was ready so I tried to finish cooking them in the microwave. Oh man - these things were not going to cook. I cooked them in the microwave covered for total of 50 minutes - 10-15 increments. Still were not done. We ate them anyway and then I threw them back in the oven to finish...only to forget about them and ruin what was left. I will say the Ham was good - and it was actually done on time this year. Mallie ate none of it so she did not care. It was cheese, cracker and bologna nite for her. She surprised me the other day by eating some sweet peppers I was cutting up. She pretty much sticks to what she likes and knows most of the time. We struggle getting her to try new things. I think that is mostly normal but hers is a bit excessive I think. Thank goodness for Daycare - she eats so much more there watching the other kids eat.
We have many appts and follow ups coming up this year. The big one the surgery a week from tomorrow. I will be glad when that is all over - I am worried she won't eat anything after it because her throat will be really sore. Its bad enough that she refuses what she does. Then throw this on top of it. She hates anything REALLY cold or frozen. So no ice cream or Popsicles for this little gal. Hoping to make up some yummy jello - and I know she eats yogurt. Plus we have her milk suplement so that should be a good filler. I just don't know what to expect from her in the pain tolerance dept. We have to keep her from daycare/school/public for at least a week to possibly two. She can't get sick after this surgery - very important because of the scab she is going to have on her little throat. So I repeat - I will be glad to have all this behind us. They want us to do another sleep study after too and I so am not looking forward to that! The first one was AWEFUL! This is just to be sure her apnea is taken care of. I really hope this helps her out in many ways. A restful night sleep, eating, growing - EVERYTHING :)
Well that is all for now! Happy Easter to everyone!