A story about our Amazing little girl who is the strongest, bravest & most beautiful person I have ever known. She has been thru alot and I want to keep track of every detail. Keeping friends and family in the loop along the way. Mommy and Daddy Love you Mallie!
Mallie Bean

Sunday, December 28, 2014
2014 ends with Trip down memory lane.....
Today I started transferring all the old video's I have to DVD and WOW! How times have changed and how Mallie has Grown. Her very first video she was about 2 months old just an infant. So sweet - she has been so happy all the years! Looking back today at me talking and cooing over her the whole time she could not hear a sound. That is insane! Earlier this week I found a journal I had started when Mallie was born. I had an entry in there when she passed her hearing test here in Ludington. Once she passed that we put it to the back burner right then and there. There is no doubt the implants have been Amazing for her. There is a part of me sad to watch her now knowing she could not hear us. I know I should not be sad because the outcome is beyond what I could have ever imagined. She was SO HAPPY in all the videos and photos. Mallie really enjoyed seeing "baby Mallie" She wanted to keep watching and watching. Of course there are tons of her and Macie, melts my heart. So glad to have the videos for her to see. I have one tiny clip of Mallie with my Mom and Dad. She asked to see that one over a few times too. If you blink you might miss it. I took it on accident when I was taking photos of them on our couch. She was mesmerized by his watch so he took it off and let her see it. even if only a second or two its a treasured moment I wish I had filmed longer. Life, you are a bastard sometimes! Taking people and pets away that mean so much. Even tho this post is going sappy - I had a lot of happy emotions watching Mallie's progression. She truly is amazing - from where she started from until today. She is a sassy spoiled toddler now (not always smiling and happy). Still each day she does or says something that has me in awe. Especially since starting School this past fall. Her vocabulary is soaring! She LOVES school and is doing very well. She scored higher than half the class in the Reading area. Math she is just below where they would like to see her - but really not far off. She has the best team behind her. Steve and I are very happy with the decision to put her in Kindergarten this year. We had an appt this past monday with Cochlear to do some internal diagnostics on Mallie's right processor. For over a year we have had some random incidents where it quits working. There seemed to be no apparent warning , the next day it just would not turn on. The last time was February or March of this year. Then it happened in October this year. When we went to get it fixed this last time - she just had to load the programs back on it. LIke it was wiped clean or something. Mallie's impedences or whatever they are called seem to fluctuate on that right side. A little change is normal but this side had pretty drastic changes here and there. Have not figured out what may be causing it either. We were going once a month to Audiology to keep an eye since March. Then with School starting we skipped a month, of course that is when it would happen. Anyway we were referred to have Cochlear come and do their testing to make sure the internal devise is working properly. Worst case she would need to be re-implanted. So we went and they basically tried to break it and make it do whatever it does. They were unsuccessful at this meaning all is good and no surgery at this time. They also told me that different body chemistry , infections, etc will effect the fluid surrounding the internal electrodes. All we can do is keep closely monitoring her right side and hopefully avoid future shut downs. Still working on potty training - this is and has been the most challenging I think. Just not sure what is going to make her click on this one. WE have tried EVERYTHING, as far as rewards. Stickers, candy, special prizes. Put real undies on her before - nothing seems to really take the cake. Between School, daycare and home we put her on the potty at regular intervals. She does well with this, however she will never or rarely say " I have to go potty" Or stop what she doing to go. I think part of it is she does not have to think for herself. We do it for her and if we forget or get busy she has her pull up on. NO skin off her back, right? We have a few ideas to work on in the next few months to put it back on her - hopefully by Spring she will Have it! The only other thing is we have not had her medically tested to see if there is a medical reason she is not able to potty train. I really don't think there is something preventing this other than mallie herself. Time will tell!
ONe thing we are struggling with at home besides potty time is her hitting Steve and behavior issues. She will yell and scream for no reason sometimes when asked a simple question. Hitting Steve, not sure other than she gets away with it. He waits for me to decipline her. Which is fine accept she does not take him seriously. I am the one putting her in time out and making sure she stays there. Steve does not want to hear her cry or scream so he tries to fix it by giving her what she wants. I am by no means perfect when it comes to decipline either. It is a really big struggle right now in our house. I think some of it is communication - Mallie is still learning how to respond to different situations. She has a lot of trained responses for things like: why, who, how do you know, what's your name. Those are key phrases she uses alot and she uses them when she does not know what to say or what to respond. We are working on having her broaden her thinking for herself to respond to different things. There is so much to learn and she is doing great! Still have a long way to go! We are all still learning!!
Well Christmas came and went again like a whirlwind. Mallie told Santa she wanted Drums and he delivered! She LOVES them! She got some new clothes, some magnetic blocks, coloring books, a clock puzzle, new Jamberry nails, candy, Elsa doll, Frozen on Ice tickets for March. Much more and we still have two christmas's to go! We watched a few frozen on ice clips the other day so she could see what it was. She is very excited and keeps asking if we are going today, haha! Should be a good time, we are going with Mit & Kids, My MOm and Dawn & Amelia. It is not till March so she will be asking for a long time. She is getting over a cold and I am starting it - ugh! This is round two for us - we were both sick around Thanksgiving time. I hope we are done for awhile as it would be nice to have some time off to do fun things. Not sit around with kleenex and cold medicine.
Still trying to get Daddy on board for a new furry kid in the spring. I know he is not excited about the idea at all, and his reasoning is because he does not want to take care of it. It leaves hair everywhere, yada yada. I have gone my whole life with a Dog in it. The only time was the Jan I moved in to this house until June when we got our Sweet Macie. I miss her terribly and feel ready to meet a new little buddy to grow up with Mallie. Looking back at the videos today - how much she loved Macie. I remember when she would get upset and we would say Where is Mae. She instantly stopped crying and would look around to find her. Macie would lay by her as a infant and was so good with her. Mallie would pull her ears, hair or grab her tightly. Macie was simply amazing with her. Everywhere we go where there is a dog - Mallie is drawn to them and loves them. Dogs teach us so much, how to love unconditionally. I know the work that goes into training a puppy but after lots of looking into - getting a full grown dog is just not a good idea. I have been in contact with a breeder in Northern Michigan - they raise English labs. They are supposed to be more laid back and they have a more blocky head. Mostly I want the laid back mellow mannered dog. Steve and I had a conversation where he said Springtime. He is claiming this is not true but I remember the talk well. With Steve's crazy hours sometimes its nice to have that Dog here for piece of mind too. Wish us luck Steve agrees to getting the new family member this spring.
Well here is to a new year, new adventures and new beginnings. 2014 started out rough but has been a pretty good year. Hoping 2015 is Great too! Happy New Year to All of you!
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