Mallie Bean

Mallie Bean

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Post OP & Home

Good Evening - We have been home since friday night - the first night Mallie woke up at 3am coughing and crying - she is congested from the tube being down her nose.  It drains to her tummy at night and she coughs - but she does not really cough - its is the wierdest thing ever but I imagine it hurts her little tummy.  She has 4 incisions with one being about an inch and half long.  Every day she seems to get better but she is for sure not herself.  She is very irratable and sucks her thumb alot more.  She used to only suck her thumb at night when she would sleep now she does it whenever she is getting tired or just not feeling well.  I have to put drops in her ears twice a day, she gets her prevacid twice a day plus tylenol every 4 hours as needed.  She is starting to hate anything in her mouth :(  Eating is not going that great either.  We are eating 1-2.5 ounces at each feeding sometimes 3 but rarely.  Solids she is not really interested in either.  The poor girl , I feel like I am starting over when we were doing so good.  I have been researching hearing stuff and trying to wrap my head around what all we have to decide on and what is instore for the future.  Oh my god - it is so overwelming........tomorrow I have to get appts for follow ups to the surgeons, call on hospital bills, set up PT and OT appts, plus an appt with speach and hearing therapists.  I really don't know where my head is right now - I am for sure living in the moment with her but then reality sets in after she goes down for the night.  Reality - oh how I hate you right now. 

1 comment:

  1. Reality is sometimes a good thing and sometimes it can be bad - right now (In my opinion) reality is good for you because it keeps you focused on what has to be done. Just stop and think about one day at a time and the main reality you have to remember is she is a beautiful special baby and you were chosen her mother for a reason. Only the higher power knows the answer to why you were chosen - but I think God usually gets everything right. And in my opinion he definitely got it right when you had our precious "Mallie." Love, Mom
