Mallie Bean

Mallie Bean

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


So yesterday I called the Cochlear Implant Dr office to give them our new insurance information.  We switched to Priority Health at work.  So they need to run the pre authorization thru them for her implant surgery.  No big deal or so I thought.....The scheduler at the dr office told that our supplemental insurance CSHC - would  not cover bi lateral implants at all only one.  Meaning that if we were approved for two with priority that CSHC would not pick up anything to offset the cost.  If we did one however no big deal they pick up everything after Priority pays their portion.  I was like oh well we still want one surgery, two implants.  95% of all implant recipients end up getting a second one later down the road.....I just don't want to waste time, money or put Mallie thru more surgeries than we have to.  I think she has been thru enough already damn it!!!! Anyways I told her it did not matter I still wanted them to try for two with Priority.  BCBS and Priority are pretty much the only Co. that will approve 2 at one time.  So I think we have pretty good chances.  I called CSHC to verify that in fact they won't help offset deductable if we get 2.  They said that was correct.  I thought Oh well.......we will figure it out.  So then the dr office calls me back and the insurance claims gal wanted to talk to me.  She than tells me that the Dr. will only do one implant because CSHC will only allow one.  I said well we are running it thru our primary first which is Priortity.  she then tells me it don't matter - there is an agreement with the doctor and CSHC that they can only do one.  I was super upset with her.  I told her she was pissing me off because we are not gonna get just one if Priority oks 2.  Then I asked her how the hell CSHC can determine what we do when they are supplemental insurance for us.  KEY WORD, Supplemental.  Then she says well its only 2 surgeries.....Oh no she did not just say that to me.  I told her that Mallie has already been thru enough surguries, she has had 2 too many as it is.  where does she get off?  So I had a meltdown at work....I can't wait to personally thank her for that......So than she says I will talk to the doctor and see what he wants to do.  WE will go somewhere else if they are not willing to work with us.  Totally sucks that they are the only IMplant place in GR.  I know we can go elsewhere but its convenient and we are comfortable there.  I than called the  CSHC rep back and of course the woman I need to get my answers from is not available.  What I found interesting is that the dr office chic called her to ask her about the CSHC policy after she told me that they would only do one.  She did not know what the hell she was talking about or she don't know for sure.  I am so Mad that she tells me that crap and gets me upset and she don't even know for sure.  SERIOUSLY - don't feed me a line when you don't know for sure.  Because what she was saying makes no COMMON SENSE!!!  So no we wait to here back from someone who knows for sure.  UGH!!!!!!

ON the upside - Mallie is getting smarter and smarter.  She tries to mimick us all the time but yesterday I had a baby einstein video in for her about sign language and she was really trying to copy several of them.  She amazes me all the time.  Just another reason having those implants is gonna give her a chance to really excel and learn and grow.  Well I am signing off for more later :)

1 comment:

  1. I think you need to stage a cage fight with that chick. You win, they cover both ears 100%.
