Mallie Bean

Mallie Bean

Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Decided tonite is a good night to update the blog.... note to self don't read the posts about Macie before you start typing. Seems time is going faster than ever and so much to do. I still miss Macie. Mallie still talks about her, Steve is still against getting a new doggie family member. I think I am ready for another one, I really would like Mallie to grow up with a dog and I just love dogs. Steve does not want to have the responsibility and he really HATED the dog hair. I just don't know what it will take for him to say yes! Meanwhile last weekend we celebrated 10 years of Marriage! My whole summer was consumed with planning the party and just like everything else it was over before we knew it. It was a great time and so thankful for everyone that came out to celebrate with us! The last 10 years have been a rollercoaster, there was a time where walking away seemed like the only answer. I tell you Marriage is WORK and it takes both people to be 100% committed to finding a way to make it work. We went thru so much during Mallie' younger infant days - both of us deal with things differently. This made it extremely hard to find a common ground. Somehow tho, we made it and we are both stronger because of it. Far from perfect, but getting better all the time. I hope we can continue on the path we are now and I can write about 20, 30 or 50 years someday :) Love you Steve!!! On to Mallie - potty training - UGH!!! I know alot of the problem is me - I am not consistant with her, it is so hard! Crazy schedules! Only 2 weeks till school and I am feeling like a failure. speaking of school - Mallie is going to full time Kindergarten and will have a full time aide with her. I really want her to be mostly potty trained before school. However because of mallie's physical needs and her delays, it is not a make or break kind so scenerio. So part of me feels relief, another part feels bad because that is just one more thing kids could poke fun at. Maybe she will realize it more when she is in school. only time will tell I suppose. In the last week she has been telling me more that she has to go! Which is a huge improvement! Her 5 year old Birthday is coming up! Whoa man - can't believe it. Each year she gets stronger and her personality shows thru that much more. Her sassyness is too, not always pleasant - Yikes she has a temper sometimes. In the next month lots is happening - I hope to write up so more as things happen. First day of School, Turning 5 - All huge milestones :)

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