I have already tried nothing........ this may be a ramble but here it goes.....
Today I was reminded that I am not on this earth to do nothing - I was that girl that was complacent and living in the past. Not excited for the future - just wandering thru life. Mallie was born and it was the start of me LIVING MY FREAKIN LIFE! At that moment it no longer became about me anymore. It was all about her and it still is. Almost 8 years ago that little light of mine came into the world needing more than the average child. She needed a warrior to advocate for her, and that is just what I have done. I have fought for EVERYTHING and I will continue to. God knew I needed her and she needed me. I needed to step up and Do something. It was the start of me finding myself - what was i put on earth to do. What was my purpose? We all have one - some choose to ignore it, some have not found it and that is ok for awhile. But until you find that purpose, that passion that fuels you - you are not truly living. I know I have been there, and when I woke up - it has changed my life. 3 Years ago I was called to courage,to do something that was so out of my realm - NOT anything you could have seen coming. I never saw it coming. I found something that not only has changed my families health, but it has given me hope for my future. I am dreaming again.... when we become adults so many of us lose that ability to DREAM. What do we want for ourselves, family and our future? Have you thought about that? in a positive way? Do you believe you can achieve it? There is a huge difference between wishing and doing the activity to get you there. Mallie conditioned me for my calling. She needed me to fight for her when she couldn't herself. I believe that there are so many people out there that need me to that for them. I am growing and changing so If my approach to helping others does not come out the way I see it in my head that is something I am working on. I don't want to sell people anything - I want to share what is working for us. We live in a world full of new chemical daily, processed fast food, pollution, fast moving. So many are SICK with things never heard of, kids have hospitals dedicated to them. My friends and family fight illness all the time. People I care about get cancer, they get autoimmune diseases and they don't even know they can help themselves. They settle for pills, drs with no answers, chronic pain, feeling trapped in their own homes, watching their kids suffer with diseases only seen in adults. I can't just sit here and do NOTHING - I have already done that and what good does that do? I have such a heart and passion for others. IT may be the perception of some that I only want a customer. That is far from the truth. Being a customer supports my family yes, but what good is it if you don't value it and understand what it is. Not everyone is ready, not everyone believes they have options. I understand that, I can't help everyone - but I can help someone and I am not giving up! I see the FB posts of so many - battling their health. I can't imagine what some may have gone thru or will go thru. So many claim to help and want to sell sell sell. It really puts bad taste in the mouths of those struggling and not finding a solution. I most recently have been silently battling something. Only those close to me know but I have not found an answer yet or relief. It really has put a damper on my spirit and it has distracted me the last few months. I finally decided this week that I can't dwell on this, we will figure it out. I am called to deal with this for now and its only making me stronger. Just to ease your mind I have had all the diagnostics tests done and ruled out all the BAD stuff. I am not dying and I need to suck it up. I am so thankful for my good nutrition and the resources I have available to me because of my business. All blood work and all CT. MRI imaging is all normal - The western medical drs have nothing. Mostly I feel like I am fighting my body from wanting to daydream./space out 24/7. Weirdest feeling in the world , and I admit i was so starting to freak out with the testing - but everything has come back normal. EVERYTHING! Acupuncture and chiropractors have been my best friends. I know I will get past it - maybe even wake up one day and it will be normal, ha! Normal is seriously over-rated! My whole point in sharing this is , I got so consumed in myself. Letting a lot of things slide - not anymore. I am going to control my mindset from now on! I have to much to give to just sit back and dwell on things I can't control. I feel like how dare I not get over myself - this too shall pass. I do have so much empathy for those dealing with chronic illness or things not explained. Trying one thing after another, test after test. It can be exhausting and each time you hope you find something even if its devastating. At least I have an answer is what I have thought. However I am so thankful I have my health and even tho its not perfect now, I will be ok. My only advice is keep searching for something that may help you. Even if your doctor is not 100% on board, We have to be our own advocates. That is one thing having Mallie has taught me - Western medicine is needed but they are not the only options out there. My god if I just listened to every person in charge of Mallie's care - we sure as hell would not be where we are today. Have you seen her? My daughter is amazing! I don't mind bragging - that girl has been thru hell. Defied so many obstacles and showed up to her life all the time. When I was worried and wondering if she would do this, would do that. She HAS and my heart could just burst every time I look at her. What if I had not fought? What if I settled..... and So What happens when they say well this all I got for you? Leaving you with no solution, no answers. Better yet what if you are not OK with what they have to say? Like when Mallie was on a adult dose of miralax for 3 years.... Seriously - even the DR of INTEsTINES said that was my only option. WTF really? When you open up the pamphlet on that chemical shit storm - it says in big bold letters. NOT INTENDED FOR CHILDREN. Yet Drs are OK letting them eat it daily in Large doses. No long term studies ....Oh its ok, really? Why does the label say that then? It infuriates me - this is not the only drug out there given to kids like candy. Its the only one I have a personal experience with. I sought out other options because I am 100% not ok with that! My daughter means the world to me and I would take a bullet for her - why the hell would I poison her from the inside out? I realize she needs to go to the bathroom...but I just knew there had to be a better way. DR's can't help it they are trained to treat symptoms (not speaking for all). We don't have HEALTH CARE in the world we have Sick care. You don't go to them for prevention, right? maybe a yearly check up and they may offer some advice. Lets be honest - we go to them when something is wrong 99% of the time. That is where I come in - I want to help others learn to prevent. I want to give people hope! Those I have already - I thank you for believing in me. Thank you for letting me part of your journey. I want to inspire you to make a decision to not settle and not give up! If that means you decide to join the Juice Plus Family, great! IF it means you decide not to drink pop daily, yes! Or if it means you started walking daily, drinking more water, googling info about health concerns - all of this is me doing my JOB - my calling is to inspire others to make a change for the better. Join me in making a difference in people's lives! I want to leave you with the lyrics to a song from Wonder Woman (go see this movie) Fight for yourself, fight for others that can't find for themselves. Love people! The world needs more of that now more than ever!
To Be Human - sia - watch here
To be human is to love
even when it gets too much
I'm not ready to give up
To be human is to love
Even when it gets too much
There's no reason to give up
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