Mallie Bean

Mallie Bean

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Letter to Mallie

To my little Tootie,

One year ago tonite - I was here in Grand Rapids getting ready to deliver you.  It does not seem real that a whole year has passed already.  All the odds were against you - the doctors were all freaked out about how small you were, they had me freaked out alot of the time.  I was sure everything was fine and that you were just a small little peanut.  so the labor was long and stressful on us both - so you had to stay here for a week to get better.  You were little but you were tough - the delivery was just alot for a little baby girl to handle.  So you needed some rest and some extra care.  Once we got to take you home though - we were scared to death.  Neither of us had ever taken care of a baby before.  The first night you cried from 10pm till 4 in the morning.  Your daddy and I did not know what to do.  That was the start of the amazing journey we are taking with you.  It has been tough on all of us to have you go thru the things you have had to.  Or the things you have to still overcome - it is going to be tough. It does not matter,   you were born for this life- you are so strong and so smart.  You will overcome all of these little challenges - I know it:)  I just want to tell you that you are amazing.  Everyday you amaze me more and more.  Even after all the testing, appts, surgeries, PT, you name it - YOU ARE STILL SO HAPPY.  Your laugh is infectious and your smile just melts my heart.  When you smile - I know that everything is going to be ok.  You are full of life and have such a cute little personality.  I can't wait to see how you will grow and change this next year.  Lets make a deal though and for your next birthday - lets not spend it at the hospital:)  I love you baby girl - Happy First Birthday!!  Love Always  - Mommy


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Dear Steff and little Miss Cutie Patootie: First Happy Birthday to the toughest happiest little trooper I have ever seen (except when you are somewhere you don't want to be, ie; GR in hospital). I wish you were home today but that isn't in the cards just yet. But hopefully you will get to come back home real soon. And you Miss Steff wrote the most beautiful letter to your daughter that I have ever read (I'm bawling my eyes out right now)- but one thing I can guarantee that next year comes Mallie's birthday SHE WILL BE AT HOME AND NOT IN SOME DUMB HOSPITAL BEING POKED AND PRODDED LIKE SHE IS NOW. SHE IS ONE TOUGH LITTLE LADY AND I NOW KNOW SHE GETS IT FROM HER MOTHER WHO IS ALSO ONE STRONG, TOUGH, PERSISTENT LADY WHO WILL ALWAYS MAKE SURE HER LITTLE "TOOTIE" GETS EVERYTHING OUT OF LIFE SHE DESERVES AND THEN SOME. KISSES, HUGS AND LOTS OF LOVE COMING FROM MOM AND GRAMMA TO BOTH YOU AND OUR LITTLE MALLIEBEAN - MOM

  3. This is a beautiful letter Steph. I know you will never forget all she has been though but hopefully she will remember nothing of all of this until she reads about it in her later years when you show her all this stuff. Again, Happy Birthday to Mallie. Tana forwarded your birthday picture to me and she is cute as a button and looking more like herself. Love and miss you. Keep strong Steph. Love, Aunt Jorjetta xoxoxoxoxo
